So very early Saturday morning on the first Saturday of August, Z was awake like it was Christmas morning!! The alarm didn't even go off! After a quick breakfast at home we set off on our road trip. First stop....Starbucks for a venti flat white which we shared after all that would have been a lot of caffeine for just one person. The drive was pretty non eventful - traffic was pretty good - until a miscalculation of gas to km ratio required doubling back to Merritt to fill up. At least we were only 40km past Merritt at the time this miscalculation was discovered....and we found some pretty cheap gas there! Oh what fun that was!!
I found their Riesling the best tasting wine and ended up buying a bottle whereas Z enjoyed the Solstice Reserve and bought one of those. Arrowleaf winery is just up the street from another favourite winery, Grey Monk and we just had to make a quick pit stop there to buy a few bottles of our favourites.
Another 1/2 hour drive and we were in Vernon and checking into our hotel. It was still early enough and extremely hot enough for us to head out to Okanagan Lake for the early evening. We ended up going to Ellison Provincial Park which is on the northeastern shore of Okanagan Lake. We accessed the beach through the the campground and a short hike from the parking lot. It wasn't busy at all when we arrived. The beach is more pebbly and rocky than I would like, but regardless it was a great spot to sit and enjoy the scenery. The water was very refreshing and really provided a much needed cool down from the heat. It was still like 30C at 7pm.
We were sitting minding our business when we heard some noises coming from the trees. When we looked over, we saw a deer making its way down to the beach. It headed straight to the shoreline and proceeded to drink the lake water. The deer didn't seem phased that there were people around, it didn't seem afraid and didn't get spooked as more people took notice of this visitor. It went about its business drinking water ignoring the photos being taken and when it was finished calmly walked away back into the forest.
That was the first deer encounter of three on this trip. I've got to say that I've never been this up close and personal with wild deer before in my life.
Not much else could top off that beach experience!!
Sunday was another hot day and it was off to another lake for some R&R. This time we were heading to Kalamalka Lake. But we didn't just want to go to the most popular beach where everyone else would be going. No we wanted to go somewhere a little more secluded. Z found just the spot....and it included having to hike there which bodes well for our desire to be active! Cosens Bay beach cannot be accessed by vehicle. You either have to hike in, ride a bike or horse, or have a boat. The hike was a relatively easy 4km one-way journey (mostly down hill) taking us through some beautiful forest and along the cliffs above Kalamalka Lake. The views were nothing but breathtaking and really make me reflect on how lucky we are.
The beach was practically deserted when we arrived and we got to enjoy this serenity for some time before more and more boats started to arrived. At one point the horizon of the lake looked like we were under attack with the number of boats making their way to shore. The beach here was sandy, much to my delight. The sand carried on into the water which again was extremely refreshing from the heat. There were a few logs scattered along the shoreline which made great resting/leaning spots and so we just scooped out the best one and set up for the day. Our only regret was not packing a lunch so that we could have spent the entire day here.
When it was time to go we decided we'd take a different trail back. Seeing as our way to the bay was mostly down hill, the way back was mostly up hill. For the most part the trail is decently signed, however there were a few places where we thought better signage could have avoided us doubling back and adding about 2.5 extra km's to an already very hot hike. Not complaining though because along the way we once again encountered a couple wild deer. This time they were on the same path as we were hiking so after a bit of a stare down, they went on their way down the hill and we continued on our way up.
Vernon is home to Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery. Here we got to sample some locally crafted liqueurs and spirits, and the tasting was free to boot! How sweet is that? It's a pretty cool establishment and worth checking out. They've won quite a few awards for their products.
Strangest chance meeting happened one morning while we were having breakfast at our hotel. We bumped into one of our friends and her son while they were also having breakfast. The funny thing about this is they live in the same neighbourhood as we do and we've never bumped into them and it took Vernon to bump into them.
All in all this was a great road trip. And this about sums up our Vernon adventure. Our last stop before hitting the road back home was at Davison Orchards. We picked up some amazingly sweet cantaloup, a very tasty yellow watermelon, juicy nectarines, local pure apple juice, sunrise apples which were juicy and tasty, and difficult to have to share apple cinnamon bun and a peach pie. Of course, we also got the peaches I had come to get in the first place. These were some of the sweetest peaches I've ever had and I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy them throughout the winter.