The beauty of whale season is you can see these magnificent whales breaching and slapping their fins right from the beach. From our hotel beach you could see them in the distance....a little too far out for my camera but a great sight to see nonetheless. I still can't figure out how these huge animals project themselves out of the water. We were treated to the most fascinating whale slapping show one afternoon. One whale gave us quite the show as if he or she knew there was an audience and spent a good amount of time slapping their pectoral fin on the surface followed by lobtailing - which is when the whale sticks its tail straight out of the water and then slaps the surface. We were also treated to numerous views of the humpback arched out of the water. There were a few occasions when the whales were closer towards the shore and it made for watching them that much more of an amazing experience.
One evening as we were sitting on the beach waiting for the sunset, we were delighted to see a pod of dolphins swim by. Again an entertaining sight with several of them leaping out of the water spinning in the air; one even did a back flip. What a treat to see these two magnificent creatures in their natural environment enjoying the simple pleasures of play.
We also found a Hawaiian monk seal sunbathing on the beach up at Ho'okipa beach. Monk seals are an endangered species and is only 1 of 2 remaining monk seal species. Whenever a monk seal rests on the shoreline, conservation volunteers arrive and monitor the seal cordoning off the surrounding area so that no one distributes it.
There are plenty of good places to eat on Maui and we returned to some of our favourite Maui eateries again - Duke's, Leoda's, Monkeypod and Cheeseburgers. The corn chowder at Monkeypod was the best I've ever had at a restaurant - it doesn't quite compare to mine though. We tried a new restaurant in Paia on our last day. Paia is a small, eclectic town situated on the north end of Maui...we ate at Milagro's, a Mexican restaurant right on the corner of the "major" intersection in Paia and a great place for people watching. I had the chicken quesadilla, which was so flavourful and filling. Z had the mahi mahi fajitas and enjoyed those. It was a great meal to end our trip. One of my favourite tropical drinks is the pina colada, but I tried a twist to it this time around called the lava flow and think it takes the cake! It's a pina colada mixed with strawberry puree and when poured into a glass, looks like a lave flow. It's really cool.
We experienced some of the most spectacular sunsets I've ever seen. While I didn't enjoy the cloud cover during the day, the clouds did look fantastic during the sunsets with the sky lit up and the sun reflecting off the clouds. The colours of the sky were something that we just don't get to see much of back home. There's something about tropical sunsets that make me just want to sit and watch from start to finish....

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